15.10.2024 16:09
Arrived at sort facility shanghai
14.10.2024 17:30
Recibido plataforma (urvaam-mad)
13.10.2024 18:51
Processed Through Facility
China Airlines
12.10.2024 20:12
Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
Chandigarh BNPL SP Hub
11.10.2024 21:33
Arrived at abroad facility
LENOIR, NC, 28645
10.10.2024 22:54
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
10.10.2024 00:15
The item is on transport to the country of destination
Los Angeles USA, Los Angeles USA
09.10.2024 01:36
Handed over to the carrier for transportation
Billings, MT, United States
08.10.2024 02:57
Your parcel will be with you today
SC, ROCK HILL, 29732
07.10.2024 04:18
Import clearance success
Sweden, Rosersberg BT, 19572
06.10.2024 05:39
Presented to import customs
CARSON, CA, 90747
05.10.2024 07:00
Arrived at EPC warehouse
Ghaziabad NSH
04.10.2024 08:21
Arrived at [United States] delivery office
03.10.2024 09:42
Received by line-haul
02.10.2024 11:03
Departure from inward office of exchange
Ekaterinburg MMPO
01.10.2024 12:24
USPS in possession of item
South Hackensack, NJ, 07606
30.09.2024 13:45
Depature from Local Sorting Center
29.09.2024 15:06
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Tracking numbers examples: